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Setting Goals

Setting Goals For Success
The importance of goal setting is evident among professionals. They work full time and yet still manage to have fun with their family; They extend their hands for community service and yet still manage to have some time to do their hobbies.   

Their secret lies not in controlling time but in managing time. Time management. This is the essence of goal setting.

The importance of goal setting, however, is not limited to professionals. Every successful people has understood and acknowledged the importance of goal setting. Athletes, doctors, lawyers etc. have used goal setting in one way or the other.

1. Goal Setting is a Map
Identify an area of your life where you want advancement. Then work through the goal process that follows. Here are the steps needed to make a map.
A. Identify the exact goal
What you really want in life? What is your purpose and your objective? You must ask yourself these questions to have a concrete idea of what you want in life.

Time, however, can change the way we look at things. One day you may want to be a published romance novelist after five years, the next day you may want to be a water colour painter with mother and child as inspiration. When this change of heart happens, don't despair. There's no wrong with changing a goal for a another goal. This is part of life. Change, that is. But having an objective, an exact goal at present, will give you an idea of what you want. Changing that goal along the way, as you travelled to reach your goal, is just one of the events that you'll encounter along the way.
B. Identify the completion date
Goals should have a period of completion. It is not a goal if it doesn't have a specific time of completion; it would be a dream. A daydream, that is.

Goals are concrete and realistic aspirations. It isn't a goal when you say, "I want to be a novelist within my lifetime." It is a dream. A goal must be put this way, "I want to be a published romance novelist before I reach 35." This gives you a period to push your pens and write down that publishable novel. It hurries you to reach your goal. It motivates you to beat time, have a published novel ahead of time you've set for yourself.
C. Identify the evolution of the goal
Change is inevitable. And it applies even to goals.

Goals may evolve into something, maybe even far better than your earlier goals. If earlier you want to be a published romance novelist before you reach the age of 35, it may evolve into somethings like: a published Young Adult novelist before you reach the age of 35, and have written a script for a video game.

2. Goal Setting Is Your Vision
When you set a goal, you are actually seeing a vision, a vision of yourself in the near future. Imagine if you accomplished the goal you have set after five years, it was as if you have predicted what you will become five year ago!

Having a vision not only makes you feel contented with yourself, it also pushes you to look ahead and go forward instead of to live in the past.

Understanding Goal Setting Theory

Perhaps the most popular proponents of the goal setting theory are philosophers E.A. Locke and G. Latham. Their theory suggests that goal setting is innate among human beings and that identifying and mapping out methods to reach them are some of the most natural factors of human behavior.

Related literature would tell you that goal setting theory is rooted on these four basic ideas:
1. People rationally set task-related goals.
2. People are the ones that determine how much time and effort are afforded into reaching these goals.
3. Goals, to be effective, must be specific, accepted and attainable.
4. It is important to be list feedback on performance.

The goal setting theory assumes all of the above four and makes the following general claims:
1. Goal setting affects behavior.
2. Difficult goals result in higher performance levels.
3. Motivation comes from lessons from a previous goal.
4. Goal clarity affects performance.
5. Goal difficulty is directly proportional to satisfaction.

Goal setting and behavior

Goal setting theory states that identifying goals allows people to make calculated decisions. Once these are realized, they naturally direct and provide motivations so that these goals are reached. It also helps people commite to something and arrange their activities so as not to deter them from the intended achievement.

Performance is correlated to difficulty

The more challenging and difficult it is to reach a goal, the higher the resulting performance level. Of course, if a task is a little daunting, the more effort a person will likely give to accomplish it. According to the goal setting theory, performance is influenced by four key factors.

First, goal setting centers on a person's attention to actions that would lead to a goal, thereby reducing the time and energy given to things unrelated. Second, as mentioned earlier, the higher the goal, the more effort is required. Third, when a person knows he has control over the time and effort to be set aside, the more persistent he becomes. And fourth, there are lessons to be learned.

Motivation is driven by past actions
People get motivated to work toward a goal if they had been exposed to or familiar with a similar situation that saw failure in the past. Goal setting theory notes that errors and dissatisfactions push people to do better the next time.

The clearer the goal, the better the performance
This needs no further explanation. If a person knows exactly what he wants to attain, it will be a lot easier to identify proceeding actions and faster to reach the goal. Performance works at its full potential this way.

Goal difficulty affects satisfaction
In relation to factor number two, people tend to derive a greater worth when they complete difficult tasks. According to Locke and Latham's goal setting theory, satisfaction levels are driven by the amount of effort and sacrifice put into a certain goal. Challenging goals give a stronger sense of achievement.

Now days with increasing technology changing lives, there are many changes faced in the business area too. There are wide opening of business opportunities for entrepreneurs. You should deicide yourself in which field you want to enter. Before entering it is necessary you should hold little expertise in that particular field.

Before you start any business, it is necessary to have little or more opportunity for starting the business. In dealing with any kind of business, you should put your personal effort on it, in order to run or get a successful business. It is also necessary your choice, matches the public choice and also with the latest trends. It is no use of opening the business which is not in demand and can bear great loss because of it.

Here are some of hottest and latest veers of business opportunities opened for Entrepreneurs.

Communication Coach - When dealing in American businesses the movement of communication is involved. If there is no proper communication there are no business transactions which would exist. Many offices in America lack a skill of powerful and effective communications.

No matter the level of business you have, low or high profiles, the office members are demanded to communicate in oral, verbal or technological form. Due to lack of communication skill, many of them fail in these tasks. Although there are many classes accommodated in higher schools and college level so that the graduates do not face such kind of problems in their future. The demanding business chance for entrepreneur is make the groups that would train the students or people in highly effective way in field of communication.

In this world full of advanced technology, the ideas information and transactions are acted through Internet. Blogging is one the demanding and rising business opportunities for business. Blog written should be highly powerful no matter what sort of business you have. Blogging now days are considered as one of the market strategies, it is done in order to ponder your company in front of others. Those companies who have part in this business should give good training to their employees in matter of writing.

Security is needed to run technology based business, there are many competitors and you must secure your information. As entrepreneur this field is demanding and you can be one to complete its needs. There are construction related problems which an entrepreneur can get solution of like plumbing, electric, carpentry and other contacting services.

With increasing online business there is demand of online secretaries. Many people are in search of secretaries who can provide them good business and take care of everything. As an entrepreneur this good job which can help you in gaining business. E bay is most demanded website which invites money and customers. There are lot of mobile phone application detached on your phone these days. There is increasing demand for updated and upgraded phones.

Many entrepreneurs are running business successfully because of their positive attributes that help them in their success. When mostly successful entrepreneur are asked about their secrets of success they would result to their attitude. There is not exactly a secret except to have positive attribute to get business functioning. The definition of business has altered in thinking and in stage all during the years.

With the help of advanced technology we are relishing now days. Computers are the technology and are all around us. Computers are Internet provides us freedom for email and web services or web pages. The telephone system has also shown great improvement, it has changed according to time. Now days there are facility of fax, voice mails and cell phones.

These technologies prove to beneficial and are substances which keep the flow of business smooth. But positive attributes in a person are important factors which cannot be ignored. These positive traits help a business make successful entrepreneurial potential by all way.

Those who are jumping in the Entrepreneur must note some of the points. These to be entrepreneurs ought to recognize their goals. One must set the goals at very initial stage of a person. In the early age a youngster need to be matched with discipline and providing background to their future goals. Parents and educators are the factors which influence these positive traits. Those who can't afford to buy something through parents believe in themselves and work on it according to their methods.

Decision making rests in hand of a entrepreneur so he should be a responsible person for it. Once you are set with goal a duty of person is to struggle hard and learn the technique of organization, discipline and risk taking. Those who are entering in field of entrepreneurship a person should evaluate his strengths and weaknesses. A person must not be over confident with things. There is risk and fear in this business industry.

Entrepreneur should have skills for dealing with different opportunities. New comers and old comers must keep on searching for chances and theories that will work ideally in today competitive business. Once you get the opportunity and have found it, you should jump into it and grab the chance to get best of it. There is usually competition found in business and cannot be drawn back. But the success is evaluated by recognition and manifestation of the determined goals.

Entrepreneurial should know effectively to deal and cover every small thins including finance and budget. They should be able to control outflow and inflow of finances. Going through fun in any enterprise is important for a successful entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are aware of the time when need to get help from others. There is no super person who does not need help from other. Everyone in this world needs help of others to run their business.

There is one fundamental key in doing a business that is growing you. There are many famous entrepreneurs who go through this stage. The pattern of self development may vary from different person to other person, there is no particular pattern for description for various input. If you want to be among the famous entrepreneurs or like them, it is necessary to follow some of the tips mentioned above.

Before you find your negatives, it is better to look on you positive points. It is better to know in which field you are good at while getting into your own business. You should know your strength and use it in improving your business for your benefit. It would help you in producing good amount of income and would help you in improving your personal development too. Its your decision how much you want to improve, when you become founder of business you should know demands of your business towards you.

A person learns in life when he accepts more challenges; he learns every lesson from one challenge. They way you experience thing yourself would help you in learning things in better way.  When you experience thing you learn how to cope up with them in different ways when you are handling it yourself.

When you are venturing through your business entrepreneurship, it does not state that you would improve or get worsen towards your financial conditions. All you require is improve yourself to some factor depending on your business needs like risks and with different problems you face in business. Controlling a new enterprise or dealing with new operations, you have to make sure that things would make certain chances in you. Before you jump into any business you should be assured that how much risks is involved in it and how much possibilities of success or failure is included in it. The way of your dealing with business would actually build up your self development.

With every new try you give in your business, your team and you should gather and accept the new changes that will require a business to go well. This would help your personality to go higher with new heights and you would develop more. There are fewer chances which do not support your growth. Your pathway of self realization would prove beneficial to you and help you in fulfilling all your responsibilities.

A business entrepreneur encounter with success should have good mixture of attitudes, skills, believes and training capacity. All these work together would help a business venture and extend the growth of product services. It is considered in this business venture, those who had undergone many hardships are one who have learn the most. They have experienced to accept the risk and in return where they have failed and where they have succeeded.

Goal Setting An Activity of Great Importance

Learning to set goals as early as possible is more efficient than wandering aimless around - your life without direction. A goal setting activity given by a teacher or coach will ask you to begin with a goal you want to achieve.

You will find out why some people almost always succeed by actually doing it yourself. Have dreams and aspirations to succeed and allow yourself to make it big. Then begin involving yourself in goal setting activities.

In any goal setting activity, you must be able to visualize end results. During a moment of silence and solitude, imagine yourself living the end result of each goal. Concentrate on what you are doing at present that helps you visualize your goals as achievable. Take note of negative thoughts and feelings as well while you are doing your goal setting activity - like obstacles to achieving your plans.

Countercheck the source of each goal. You must be able to know if you are sure about this goal. It is very important that you decide clearly on this. If you are trying to achieve a goal just because someone else thinks that you should, you must think twice. You can never give full level of commitment, passion and motivation if this is the case. The goals should come from deep inside your feelings and emotions and not from someone else's. The achievement of other people's goals will not make you happy. Goals are different from one person to another just as they are different beings from one another. So analyze each goal with clear thoughts. The goals you set should be exactly what you want to be, achieve and have in the future.

To check if you are doing alright in your goal setting activity, pass the emotional test. If you have difficulty in ranking a goal according to priority, try to give time and answer this problem. Ask yourself if you feel energized and excited if you think about a particular choice. Know if you have a feel a drop of excitement when you think of it. And ask yourself, which option brings a special feeling to you when you picture it. Always bear in mind that goals that fire you up are important so that these positive emotions will inspire you to make these goals real.

In a goal setting activity, positive feelings like freedom, excitement, well-being, growth and development or enthusiasm are good signs.

Goal setting activities are practiced by teachers to make their students understand more on how they can prepare themselves for the future.

Steps in completing a goal setting activity are:
- ask the students to define a goal as something one intends to do, have or achieve
- explain that people have different ways of giving priority and managing time
- introduce a variety of goal statements that are specific, measurable, and realistic.

In goal setting activity, teachers usually present a lecture on life patterns and the choice that people make to reach their plans in life. They give encouragement to the participants to seriously think about the decisions they will make that will alter their lives significantly.

In goal setting activity, people understand to choose to lead productive and successful lives. This activity will help people to see that they can exercise control over their futures by making good and wise decisions at present. They will eventually choose a productive life that is healthy, purposeful and positive.

Goal setting activity is important beyond compare.

Beginning your goal setting activity is like giving your ship a compass to reach the port of your own choosing.

Goal Setting for Teens

There is this story I remembered when I was still a kid, a series of stories about the ever lazy and ever stupid Juan: How Juan Motivates the Crabs.

This wasn't exactly the title but in the story, Juan appeared to be motivating the crabs when he whispered into them, "Go home, cross the sea and go to Mother. Tell her I'm still here, playing with my mates."

You see, Juan was asked by his mother to buy two big crabs at the market. The market was at the other island; Juan needs to ride a banca just to get to the other side. When he finally bought the crabs that was asked of him, he saw his playmates and was coaxed to play. What happened next, of course, you know by now. He "whispered" on the crabs and motivated them to cross the river.

Many teenagers nowadays are like Juan: love to break rules, don't finish a task assigned, and yes, do something stupid.

What can we do, as parents, to help them set a goal for themselves? We can't just sit there and let them be forever a Juan.
1. Identify the Teens Learning Style
We can't just feed onto teens goals we have set for them. We must understand how they tick, what moves them, and what drives them. We must learn and identify their learning style before we could pursuade them to set a goal for themselves.
The teens learning style could be visual, auditory or kinesthetics.
Visual learners could understand and remember better what they see.  These learners would therefore display a sensitivity to visual activities or endeavour such as art or watching the movies.
If your teen daughter wants to be a fashion designer as a profession, show her pictures of designs made by renowned fashion gurus. Or have her watch movies from different eras for her to see the changes of styles through time. After that, encourage her to set goals for her dreams, like, designing her sister's winter dress.

2. Find Ways to Keep A Score Card
Goal setting for teens can be a tedious job. Remedy this by keeping a score card of his or her achievements.
This score card would give teens an idea if they are keeping abreast with their set goals, or the projects that they have undertaken are well defined.
Teens needs to see and understand the outcome of the set goals before they would even start to act on that goal. Not doing so would make them lose interest.

3. Define the End
When setting a goal, try to be specific. If the set goal is unclear, teens might see goal setting as something that keeps them away from friends. Don't ever let this happen. Goal setting for teens must be presented to teens like entertainment to gain their interest.
When creating a goal setting for teens, give clear instructions.

4. Be a Model
Goal setting for teens can be a very confusing activity. It is important that parents would be there to set goals with.
Let him participate in the family’s activities and let him marvel at each wisdom that he can discover from the interaction.
It is important to ask for their opinion of what they want in life.

Impress upon him that loved ones should always be considered when setting goals in life. They are the ones who would serve as your guide and be your motivation as one journey towards his dreams.

Goal setting breeds success.

Goal setting strategy is a common practice among successful people. Successful people know that people must be proactive instead of reactive. If you are already successful and want to stay that way, goal setting is one way of being in control.

Goals provide us with direction and objective enhancing our motivation and focus. It allows us to look beyond our actions and see the progress that is made. This anticipation provides us with fuel to further our drive to reach our goals.

The strategy of goal setting is an influential aspect of every research and practice in improving performance.

Goal Setting Strategy

There are several goal setting strategies that should be considered first before actually laying down goals. Visualize this strategy and picture the story of the bucket that never seems to get full:
1. Core values
A primal goal setting strategy is to decide on what is important to you. If you can identify your core values you can decide what core projects to set that your life should have primary focus on.  
Imagine that these core values are the rocks that would be the first to be fit down in the bucket.

2.  Secondary Values
We could divide the core values of our life into several aspects. We can then identify secondary values to complement the core values that you have identified previously.
Imagine that these secondary values are the pebbles that will fit down into the bucket in the spaces between the rocks.  
These pebbles represent the other projects that contribute towards those widest categories of your life’s core values.

3. Daily Activities
Another goal setting strategy would be to identify actual daily activities that contribute towards our multitude of projects. These daily activities actually complement our secondary values.  
Imagine that these daily activities are the sand that would fill out the spaces left behind by the rocks and the pebbles.

4. The Action that We Take
The bucket is already full of rocks, of pebbles and of sand. Yet there are still some very small cracks or crevice that needs filling. That is water. Even a small crevice could be filled-up by water.
This extra space that is available to water is also the most sensitive part of goal setting strategy.
This represents the very next action steps that we can take.

Remember that the big projects would only happen by the small action steps that we take. Remember to discard the things that do not truly contribute to your core and secondary values.

Always be mindful of the little strategies that you could use around you. It could be a book for learning, a paper for writing, PocketPC use, earphones for listening to training audios, etc. You can incorporate various mediums to effectively take action on your goals.

The Strategy to Success

The goal setting strategies mentioned above will make sure that you are always connected, mindful, and focused to the bigger picture.

Try to do it all. You can do this by breaking everything down into a hierarchy and make the most of every moment. It would always fit everything together by size, location, or by movement.

People who try to prioritize by level of importance, and who try to schedule specific activities to time, usually fail. This is because of the many distractions, interruptions, even changes in a persons mood and energy levels, or new inspirations or projects that reveal themselves as you move through time.

Try hard to prioritize or else you would get confused and worst be overloaded. Do this by keeping a running list of next step activities.  Remember that willpower does not last long but pure intent together with preparation & organization allows you to do things you have never thought you could do.

Goal Setting Techniques

Most people go panic once they realized the day ended with them doing nothing productive. Time seems to fly so quickly for some of us.

All our effort, time and energy are constantly challenged in this busy world. The reality is that there is simply not enough time to do everything that we want to do.

With goal setting techniques, we can maximize the use of our time. The goal setting techniques outlined below are so can guide you through the basics.

1. Evaluate
What do I really want? Where do I want to go? What do I want to do now?
This is a goal setting technique that demands a lot of reflection from your part.
Go forward and visualize your dreams then slowly trace it backwards to the present and evaluate on what you need to do to achieve that dream.
Review the past to see if there are hidden motives that you have yet to consider. Sometimes the past has its ways of getting in the way to your goals. \

2. Get Real
We have dreams to reach, yes. But we can't have everything we dreamed of in a snap of a finger.
Know when a dream is attainable; learn to accept and let go of it when you realized it is not.
Know your strengths and weaknesses. Identify what are the things that does not support your long-term goals; this is a way of filtering out what are distractions and what is necessary.

3. Plan
Identify your Key Action Steps. Ask yourself, how will I go about this? What schedule or strategy should I focus on?
Planning is an important goal setting technique. An effective plan is somthing that can successfully identify the interconnections between the short-term and the long-term goals.
Planning forms ideas in our heads and is a powerful goal setting technique. Remember that "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."

4. Focus
Sometimes, we get overwhelmed with planning and as a consequence, lose our focus. One goal setting technique to avoid losing focus is to aim for one goal at a time.
If you dream to be a successful novelist, painter or a photographer, can you aim for it all at the same time?
The answer is yes, you can.
You won't lose focus if you know which of your goals deserve your utmost attention and extra time. If being a novelist topped the list, you can still do painting and photography at the side, more like a hobby. Just remember, don't let these hobby eat out your time for novel writing.

5. Monitor and Re-evaluate

In evaluating goal setting techniques, ask yourself the following: Am I doing just fine? Am I on the right track? Am I on time? On cue? What strategies are working? What are not? Can I streamline my processes?

We have outlined some action steps during our planning. But we rarely take the time to think thoroughly what actions are actually needed. By re-evaluating, we are actually identifying those actions that are not needed.

A Goal, a Dream

By observing the goal setting techniques cited above, our dreams is just a step away from us. But oftentimes the goals we set for ourselves remain an unattainable dream. We became a victim of our own actions: procrastinating in the middle of the journey, or losing interest altogether although the finish line is just a few meters ahead. The motivation to do another step must come from us, from within. We must not expect our loved ones or friends to push our backs just to make that big step.

Importance of Goal Setting

The importance of goal setting is evident among professionals. They work full time and yet still manage to have fun with their family; They extend their hands for community service and yet still manage to have some time to do their hobbies.  

Their secret lies not in controlling time but in managing time. Time management. This is the essence of goal setting.

The importance of goal setting, however, is not limited to professionals. Every successful people has understood and acknowledged the importance of goal setting. Athletes, doctors, lawyers etc. have used goal setting in one way or the other.

1. Goal Setting is a Map
Identify an area of your life where you want advancement. Then work through the goal process that follows. Here are the steps needed to make a map.
A. Identify the exact goal
What you really want in life? What is your purpose and your objective? You must ask yourself these questions to have a concrete idea of what you want in life.
Time, however, can change the way we look at things. One day you may want to be a published romance novelist after five years, the next day you may want to be a water colour painter with mother and child as inspiration. When this change of heart happens, don't despair. There's no wrong with changing a goal for a another goal. This is part of life. Change, that is. But having an objective, an exact goal at present, will give you an idea of what you want. Changing that goal along the way, as you travelled to reach your goal, is just one of the events that you'll encounter along the way.
B. Identify the completion date
Goals should have a period of completion. It is not a goal if it doesn't have a specific time of completion; it would be a dream. A daydream, that is.
Goals are concrete and realistic aspirations. It isn't a goal when you say, "I want to be a novelist within my lifetime." It is a dream. A goal must be put this way, "I want to be a published romance novelist before I reach 35." This gives you a period to push your pens and write down that publishable novel. It hurries you to reach your goal. It motivates you to beat time, have a published novel ahead of time you've set for yourself.
C. Identify the evolution of the goal
Change is inevitable. And it applies even to goals.
Goals may evolve into something, maybe even far better than your earlier goals. If earlier you want to be a published romance novelist before you reach the age of 35, it may evolve into somethings like: a published Young Adult novelist before you reach the age of 35, and have written a script for a video game.

2. Goal Setting Is Your Vision
When you set a goal, you are actually seeing a vision, a vision of yourself in the near future. Imagine if you accomplished the goal you have set after five years, it was as if you have predicted what you will become five year ago!
Having a vision not only makes you feel contented with yourself, it also pushes you to look ahead and go forward instead of to live in the past.

Motivation and Goal Setting
If you knew that you could achieve anything you wanted to, maybe get that job that you always thought was slightly out of your reach or find and build that wonderful new relationship which has remained somehow elusive, that would be amazing wouldn't it?

Keep the thought positive. Don't get annoyed with yourself for not using the resources before. Focusing on a negative energy will probably prevent you from moving forwards. Focus on what it is that you actually want, the outcome you desire.

All you need is motivation and goal setting.

Goal setting and performance

Goal setting improves performance when:
- Goals are specific
- Goals are difficult
- Goals are Challenging
- Goals are Attainable
- Goals are participatively set
- Goals are most often for individuals, but may also be team/group based

In order to stay motivated, observe the following:
1. Identify your Values, Beliefs and Desires
What is important to you motivates you. This simply means that if you assign a value to something important, you are more likely to do what action is required to reach the goal.
People's goals and desires grow from their values and beliefs.
Draft a list of your values, beliefs and desires. Take time to think about the interrelations of the items.
The list should be a source of motivation and must help you achieve goals you have set.  The quality and depth of your motivation is directly related to your commitment. You must be sure that you can live up to reach the goal you have set.
Taking this for granted could lead to frustration that could diminish your motivation.

2. Do a Self-Assessment
Do an informal assessment of your existing abilities. Have a reflection on what you know about yourself. Accuracy and honesty is essential at this point.  Underestimation or overestimation would result from inaccurate assessment of one’s abilities.
If you already have an assessment of your strengths and weaknesses and you know what you value and desire, it is now possible to establish personal goals.

All goals should incorporate these common attributes:

A. Realistic
Goal setting should be realistic. The goals set should be based on your existing abilities and circumstances.
B. Possible
Remember not to establish goals that would make the realistic, unrealistic.
C. Flexible
Always anticipate obstacles along the way and learn how to move around them.
D. Measurable
Have a time frame so you would know if you have reached your goal.
E. Under Control
Remember to set your goals based on your own values and beliefs. Target goals where it is possible for you to control the outcome.

3. Role of Personal Circumstance
You should be in a position to be able to act on the goals you have set. Failure to consider your personal circumstances would impair your motivation and goal setting. Changing circumstances always influences goals. If your circumstances change but your goals doesn’t adapt it could undermine your motivation.  
People are often unwilling to adapt and adjust to the situation. It is hard for them to adjust their self-expectations. There are times when people can get frustrated and lose their motivation.
Motivation and goal setting can be maintained if you would take into account your personal circumstance.
Redefining goals is very important to remain motivated and stay on the path to success.

4. Breeding Success
Personal circumstance, motivation and goal setting affect the outcome of success.
If you failed to reach any of these steps, your motivation will diminish, you would fail to work up to your abilities, and this would dampen your chances of success.

Professional Goal Setting
For people who want success in their professional life, motivation is important to develop a burning desire in creating an action plan towards a goal, and what to do to make the action plan work and achieve the goals set.

With motivation ready, professional goal setting comes next.

Goal setting is an important method of deciding what are the important things you want to achieve in life, separating and prioritizing the important from the irrelevant.

For professionals, decision making and time management are more difficult. Having a set of goals provides the necessary guidelines for making simple to complex decisions that will ultimately affect your career.

With professional goal setting, you will set goals, establish success measures and working plans.

There are programs available to help you manage productivity through a structured goal setting and planning process. These programs will advance your goal setting skills to motivate you to put your career goals into constant motion while gaining support for resources needed to accomplish them.

Areas where you need help include:
- smart decision making on hiring and reducing the number employees
- enhancing executive team performance and team building
- developing better leadership skills especially among the different division managers
- managing people more effectively through better communication

Through training programs, reading books or using your instincts and common sense in professional goal setting you will be able to improve your performance of your specific professional goals.
Learn to set goals
Set your goals while giving yourself a peaceful environment. This will allow you to brainstorm better. Start by writing everything down. Some of the things you want to do may sound initially ridiculous but they will slowly rationalize while you are doing it.
Be practical. Set goals that are measurable. In your initial list, weed out the ones that do not make sense.
If you achieve all conditions of a measurable goal, then you can feel confidence and comfort in achieving them.
If you consistently fail to meet a measurable goal, then you can adjust it or analyze the reason for failure and take appropriate action to improve your talents and skills.

Set goals that are not too easy for they do not motivate you to improve. Goals that cause the person to develop into a better individual are goals that motivate. Motivation is vital in setting goals.

Sometimes the problem with professionals in goal setting is that they set unrealistic and unmanageable goals. It is good to challenge yourself but be sure to set goals that are truly achievable through hard work, perseverance and by being smart about your career choices.

Achieving your goals
Constantly refer to your professional goals setting list for guidance. Your action plan and behavior will be based entirely on it. If any of your short- or long-term goals call for a change of attitude, you should be able to motivate yourself towards the needed change. Find ways to give yourself positive reinforcement for making these changes. Reading a book or a short article in a magazine will help, among others.

When you have achieved a significant part of your lifetime goals, take time to enjoy the feeling of satisfaction that comes with it. Learn the implications of the goal achievement, and observe the progress you have made towards your bigger goals.

Do not forget to reward yourself for a job well done.

Quick Guide to Goal Setting That Works

Since we were kids, we always had an aspiration or goal of some sort. Some of us wanted to become doctors, lawyers, or astronauts. Others were more specific, wanting to own the complete collection of The Simpsons by 20, owning a two-bedroom house by 25 or a having a $5000 a month job by 30. Goal setting has been with us since forever. But, really, is thinking up and dreaming about the goals we have set all there is to it? Of course, not.

Goal setting is not simply about expressing what we want out of life, but also having the drive, the perseverance and the action to reach them and make them happen.

There are several methods to effective goal setting. Here are five of the most basic:
1. Write down the goals you have set.
While our brains have the capacity to save information and remember what they absorb, our goals could get lost and forgotten somewhere between our favorite soap opera and the bills we have to pay. Goal setting works best if we write down the things and events we want to happen, so that we can frequently keep track and check if we are still on the right path. Get creative with your goal setting list. Place them were you see them often so you'll never forget.
2. Set a goal that satisfies what you truly want; not just something that would impress others.
Be true to yourself. Goal setting does not work if what you're aspiring for is for the pleasure and awe of others. Your goal should be something that would make you happy and benefit YOU. After all, you're the one who is going to be working for it.
3. Avoid setting contradicting goals. Be realistic.
For a simpler example, you cannot write down "set aside $500 from salary this month" if you're earning only $800 a month and have a $250 rent. How would you survive on a $50 monthly?
While saving $500 seems like a very good idea and could lead to a fat savings account in no time, it is not realistic. Set your goals based on what you can truly work with.
4. Try to be more detailed when goal setting.
This will help you identify your next move more easily. For instance, "buy a $99 iPod shuffle in one month" is easier to work for than simply setting "buy an iPod". Not only will the more specific goal be easier to achieve, it will also be more satisfying becuase there would be no confusion or what-ifs along the way.
5. Stick to your goals. Avoid straying.
If you've written down, "save $5 from daily expense allocation" then do so diligently. Don't set aside $2 today and just keep a mental note to keep $8 the next day. Be consistent. Cheating on your goal setting list is like cheating on yourself. This is more effective for short-term goals, of course. If you had originally written "own a Honda Scooter by 30" yesterday, surely you can change that and aim higher for a Honda Civic if you find yourself earnings $8000 a month at 25.

The keys to effective goal setting are consistency and discipline. In short, know exactly what you want, to be able get exactly what you want and more. Keep these goal setting tips in mind always and, who knows, your dreams could become reality in no time!

Entrepreneurs are linked in many fields and are determined in different way by different people. The word has his origin in French and it has developed into many meanings that related to people who accept the risks, starting a business.

Entrepreneurs are the ones who are the founder the company and also are the one who take the risks in their business. Usually the common knowledge with entrepreneurs is that they are one who are builders of new entities which is made to offer advanced or present services or products in market. There is also profit and non profit matters may vary according to the type of business management.

They are considered one the most vital part of this capitalistic world. They are one who takes the credit of profit and loss as they are the one who take control of the funds. These require lot of hard work and fulfilling the demand in that particular area. They are the one who provides satisfaction to our need and get benefit in exchange for the supplying. Their mostly focus relies on the gain of profit with a product or service.

There are various types of entrepreneurs in market. As with upcoming technology and services, there are entrepreneurs satisfying everyone need. Now day's entrepreneurs are more developed compared to old days.

Risks can't be calculated and estimated. Risks are dominated on insurance principles. There are many methods through which their degree or frequency can be evaluated. Entrepreneurs are qualified for both as decision taker and performer. They provide you answer to straightaway and long full term requirements, which are unattainable, even when business procedures are carefully analyzed.

They are planners for increasing their resources. They mix the factors like land resources, capital, labor and other sources which helped in make the products which would meet the demands of a person. As he is a organizer he has the power of leading and is leader. Organizers have right to set things in their places. Leader should have mixtures of values and abilities which would support the group.

Setting and Achieving Your Goal

There is no defined method to setting and achieving your goal. But if you read related literature and ask around for advice, the answers may be summed up into one thing: Know exactly what you want.

When setting and working towards achieving your goal, you have to be specific. General statements like "I want to own a car" are not as clear cut and effective as "I want to own a Ford Lynx within two years." Realizing this difference will help you be able to map out your life strategy more efficiently.

Paul Meyer, the author of "Attitude is Everything", suggest a S-M-A-R-T way to setting and achieving your goals. SMART means:
S- Specific (Again, know what you want)
M- Measurable (How much do you want?)
A- Action oriented (Something you can achieve by working for it)
R- Realistic (within your resources and means)
T- Tangible (something that you can appreciate and remind yourself of your hard work)

It would be good to set goals that challenge you. Otherwise, there really wouldn't be any point and fun to the process. When setting and seeking to achieve your goal, choose something that would not only benefit you in the end, but also offer a lot of lessons while you're at it. In this way, if you, unfortunately, do not get to reach your goal, you will still be thankful that you learned a lot of new things along the way.

To more easily set and achieve goals, take a little time identifying first what these are, so they won't contradict each other and leave you frustrated. The six areas you can set your goals against may involve family and home, spiritual and moral, finances and career, social, physical and mental. Identify goals in each of these areas to work out a clearer life plan. You will be thankful for the absence of mind clutter after.

Setting and achieving goals requires more than simply recognizing and identifying what they are. You have to realize the difference between a goal and a dream. A dream is something you just aspire for, whereas a goal is something that involves work and some form of sacrifice.

Setting goals is easy. It's the achieving part that poses the challenge. That's why you have to stay SMART at all times. Self-discipline is key. You need to be passionate enough to reach your goal, otherwise, what you've done is just writing random things down and wasting precious time and paper. And that is not smart.

An example is cheating on the goals you have set. You can't say you want to lose four pounds every month and then irresponsibly lose just one pound by not sticking to your diet plan and exercise plan. More importantly, you cannot make up for your blunder by saying "Hey, I'll just lose seven pounds next month." Not only will you be fooling yourself, you might even subject yourself to possible health risks!

As mentioned earlier, there is no fun to a goal that does not involve a challenge. It is boring and will more likely cause you to stray and break what you have set. If you think you don't have the willpower to achieve them, get a goal setting buddy. This way, you will be monitoring each other's progress.

Sacrifice and discipline are needed to setting and achieving effective goals. Sure, they can be quite difficult, but nothing definitely beats the satisfaction you get when you finally start enjoying the fruits of your labor. Now get smart and start moving.

Setting Effective Goals at Work

It has been five years since you've set foot on your office workplace that was painted in yellow before, but now it is blue. For five years, you have been typing away your work on the same spot, but now on a different chair and computer. The young lady sitting next to your cubicle is now pregnant; you even had a crush on her before, but you just don't have the courage to say how you feel for her.

Everything, for the last five years has changed. Even the way your boss smiles at you: before it was his trademark grin, now it is more of a grimace. The only thing left unchanged is your work position.

It's time to set realistic goals for yourself. If you want to be in your dream work position in a salary that you could actually boast of, set goals and try to achieve them within a particular frame of time. These goals must be realistic within your capabilities and resources.

It won't matter if you are a self-employed or a company employee, you must set goals on where you want to be in a year or five years from now. Aiming at a specific position and working towards that target would pave the way for a brighter future and a more fruitful life.
1. Know your target position very well
In setting work goals, know that there is no better way to be able to adjust better than to be aware of the underlining responsibilities of a target position. Ask your colleagues about the complaints or rewards of the target position so you can prepare yourself in the future.
Remember to be discreet for they might be gunning for it too.  
2. The objectives should be realistic.
Setting work goals should be in line with your present work situation. It should be attainable and within reach in as much as short a time as possible.
If you are eyeing for a managerial position when you are barely a year from work, think it over. Although  it is possible, realistically speaking, it can't be attained. Don't brag about in your entire department that you could actually be the youngest employee to be a manager due to sheer "talent." Your employer might sack you for daydreaming too much.
3. Gauge your competency
Know your strength and capabilities. As Socrates had put it, "Know thyself." Only when you are sure of your strength and capabilities that you could actually gauge yourself with competitors.
4. Single-out and note non-bias opinions
Positive or negative, opinions speak a lot about you. Feedback from outside sources is always worthy of your attention and is a sure key to your success.
5. Stay on focus
Once you have set your target, every minute and every effort that you make should be spent effectively towards reaching this target.
6. Contentment is the key
Remember that whenever you have succeeded in reaching a goal, you must be content with it and avoid the desire to make bigger targets outright when you have yet to prove yourself.
Learn to control your ego and retract your moves. You have to rethink the next goal over carefully. Remember that a job environment is always fluid and therefore careful planning is very important.
7. Refrain from envy.
This reminder is closely associated to the previous advice. If you teach yourself contentment, it should be heartfelt.
Never look up at your colleague who might have gotten a higher position and say to yourself that you have failed.
Remember that the present work goal that you have reached is just another step higher on the ladder. There would be more promising opportunities to come your way.  
8. Monitor your progress
Monitor your progress. In setting work goals, take corrective measures to be sure that you are on the right track. If you have to retract your steps just to fix an impending problem, do it. You would be surprised of the rewards afterwards.

Setting Employee Goals for Success

Since human resource is an essential element to your organization's success, start setting goals for your employees.

Employee goal setting will allow you to be strategic in your means of operating programs or initiatives with the goal of directly contributing to the long-range objectives of your organization. The first and foremost goal is for the human resource division to increase employee productivity and corporate revenues.

Employee goal setting is just part of the entire objectives of the company. Others are production, financial and sales marketing targets. Employee goal setting brings a lot of benefits to the company.

There are a lot of reasons for you to set employee goals. Goals can give constant motivation to employees by focusing them on the purpose of your business. Success is made possible through employee goal setting because the employees' efforts and concentration are geared towards the company's goals.

Each organization must know how to evaluate the performance of its employees and align organizational goals that will eventually lead their growth. Employee goal setting will increase employee productivity which is vital to the growth of the company.

Employee goal setting increases employee productivity and profits because it builds a strong foundation of employees for the business to prosper. It gives an external focus that assures the efforts of the human resource department since its builds performance culture and coordinated efforts among all employees.

It is also important for employee appraisal or bonus system because without goals, achievements are not easily gauged or measured.

Ultimately, it helps to provide a competitive advantage because of the products and services offered are superior to the company's direct competitors in the market.

Pointers on employee goal setting
- set goals that will tie employees into the success of the organization. Financial incentives and bonuses can be the basis to encourage hard work and teamwork among your employees. This will also show that you value your employees' contribution to the company's growth.
- set annually modified goals at the beginning of the year. This is a good way to start your new year.
- set the goals with employees. They are the best source of information about what they can contribute to increase over-all productivity. It eliminates the potential for resistance that can arise when goals are forcibly imposed without taking any reference to what they think and want.
- make specific, measurable and attainable employee goals. Do not set goals that are too high for your employees to reach - this gives way to losing your employees' fervor in work and support. Be specific as well for a general goal does not exactly show what they should and should not do.  
- show consistency. Give the same goals to all employees with the same functions in your organization. Giving various guidelines for the same group of employees will result to resistance and rivalry (remember that you want your employees to work together for the company). You can also be held legally responsible for charges of discrimination.
- goals do not necessarily be associated with sales. It may still be necessary to practice cost cutting measures even when profit is good.

Other things you must be able to do with employee goal setting are:
- create employee goal sheets
- facilitate team goal setting conferences
- align employees' goals with corporate goals, among others.

There are customized performance management solutions that help you maximize employee productivity while simultaneously improving employee loyalty and morale.

Setting Goals and Objectives

Frustration usually arises from situations where people feel they have no control of.

Consider this young executive who have forgotten to prepare his sales pitch for tomorrow. He's scheduled to present to the ten top executives of a company about the latest luxury car that had arrived yesterday morning. It is already two hours past midnight. He was so tired. He is still wearing his office clothes. Two in the morning and only now that he remembers to study the car parts, engine and new gadgets. Now, he wants to point the blame to his boss for having him write the monthly report when he knew very well of his scheduled sales pitch. If only he had written it down or punched a reminder on his PocketPC.

Blame it all you want to somebody else, but the fault always lies to the person who fails to schedule and set goals and objectives.

Pitfalls in Setting Goals and Objectives
1. Where you are
Is my goal attainable where I am right now?
Know your personal circumstance and decide if a goal that you need to set is reachable. It should be attainable within the time period that you plan to construct.
2. What obstacles you have to face
Do I see a time constraint in reaching this goal? I have pending work, can I finish them on time to do this task?
After understanding your personal circumstance, identify the constraints. Make a list of them so you can attend to each item properly.
3. What strategies you can use to overcome them.
Can I make arrangements with my boss regarding my deadline? Can I set appointments? More importantly, can I delegate some of the tasks that I have just written down?
Setting goals and objectives is much like a very careful planning. A person must identify possible threats to the completion of the goal and outline strategies to counter them.    

What is Often Overlooked
1. Setting of priorities
Identify your priorities in life. Most people don’t even know what or who they want to be in the future.
Take the case of the young executive. If he voiced out to his boss that the sales pitch tomorrow may get them 7 car sales, his boss might snatch from your hand the monthly report and slam it on the desk of your co-worker.
Know your priorities and assert your priorities when needed.
2. Accept Your Fears
Most people fear to set goals. Either they are afraid of their future or they just simply made a choice to enjoy the present. Usually, the former is identified as the culprit.
Fear of setting your goals too high. Fear of making a commitment. Fear of not knowing what course to tread on.
Whatever you fear, keep in mind that by setting goals and objectives, you are, step by step, moving towards your dream.
3. Goals are a Map of your Life
Most people see goals as restrictions or obstacles to their sense of freedom.
But critics should see goals the other way around.
It is a map that you made. It shows you where you are and what roads you are treading into.
You made that map. It is yours to modify according to what priorities you have set.
4. Consult your Goals
Usually, goals are set but are forgotten during the day. They need to be regularly consulted to remind yourself that they need to be accomplished. Goals will give you an idea what road to take or when it is the best time to stop.

Setting Goals for Students
All students have universal needs such as good study skills, effective time management, academic and social support systems, and recreational outlets. You may be well out of proper direction if one of these is not given value. You can be guided by a good set of goals.

A set of goals will begin by having a clear understanding of your overall vision or long range goals. You must have a definition of why you are in school and what is important to you now and hereafter.

Set goals that are manageable, realistic and attainable for you now as a student and in the future - meaning short term and long term plans. Set concrete and specific goals that you can transform into achievable tasks on a daily basis. Specific short term goals can be "study my chemistry lessons at least 1 hour every night" compared to the usual "study more." Being specific in making goals will guide you on what you are exactly set out to do.

Goal setting improves students' self-image. It calls to awareness your strengths that are necessary to overcome and provide solutions to problems, and your weaknesses so you can start to improve them. If students learn how to set their goals properly, it can give them visualization on how to plan actions to achieve goals and how to carry them out.

Other benefits of goal setting
- motivates you to set priorities as a student and make a clear direction of your desires
- makes you responsible in the decision making process
After you have set your goals, here are some ways that can help you while you are achieving them:
- find a group of friends that you can really trust even with your life. You can develop friendship with someone that cares about you and your goals.
- develop your study habits. Do not force yourself if you cannot concentrate, instead walk away from your notes for awhile and relax your mind. Then you can go back to studying as soon as you feel better.
- design yourself a schedule that will help you manage your time and your school activities. Make one and stick to it faithfully.
- communicate with your teacher right from the start. If you have questions, ask. This will help you better understand your lessons while maintaining a good relationship with your teacher.
- focus especially during exams, afterwards you can relax after receiving good grades.

Follow through
Your goals are surely challenging. You will expect and encounter problems and setbacks. That is why self-discipline and persistence are important parts of your action plan.

Being a self-disciplined student and person sometimes means doing what you don't want to do and giving up something you want - so that you can achieve greater goals. Sometimes, you need to pass up on a movie invitation to give time to studying your lessons for an exam the next day. This can be difficult with peer pressure to add, but just remember that you can watch all the movies you want after passing your all your tests.

Strong will and determination are important for failures are numerous. It is a matter of asking yourself if you truly are willing to do what is needed to get what you really want.

Discipline and persistence are vital ingredients you shouldn't take for granted.

Do all these with a good attitude.
After all, all of the tests and papers will be over soon enough and a bigger challenge awaits, success in the corporate world.

Setting Performance Goals for Success

Everyone needs improvement in every aspect all life. People will be in the constant process of undertaking major changes to improve our life structures in an attempt to survive in a changing and competitive environment.

Most people would like to know how they are performing, whether they are improving in their performance or not. They want to know if they are doing any mistakes and how they should rectify them. Members of organizations should receive periodic performance evaluation so that they will know if their efforts are satisfactory for those superior to them.

You can be able to develop an efficient system that will measure your performance level in your organization.

Performance consists of effectiveness and efficiency with efficiency being the ability to choose appropriate goals and achieve them.

Most managers believe that the only factor that holds back the growth of a company is the ability to hire a good working staff. But hiring them is only the first part. Sometimes you can begin a job with fervor and slowly the burning desire to work dies down.

Setting performance goal is an objective oriented, formal and participative planning and review process for staff empowerment. It is a chance given by an organization for its members to perform better in an open and constructive environment which will improve the entire company altogether.

Setting performance goal across the entire organization will help staff on seeing their work goals and objectives clearly. The measurement of their achievement over a period of time and the identification of their professional improvement are also given value. Setting performance goals will remind organizations to review the staff's progress on the overall goals and plans of the organization.

Setting performance goal provides impact on the action area of supervision among managers, evaluation and planned individual development, further professional development, and career path taking for all the other members. Together with the house rules of the organization, setting performance goals also helps in the development of the behavior and attitudes of the staff members towards work and each other. Staff development on responsibility, honesty and loyalty, accountability and altruistic vision is given proper time and attention.

The achievement of performance goals also provide a good and solid foundation for their career success as individuals. So there is the need for them to bring about their inner motivation in the work area.

Performance checking on a departmental level is based on measures of performance such as productivity, output, customer satisfaction and human resources concerns such as tardiness and absenteeism. Team-based goal setting, on the other hand, is concerned with the objectives for development for a group of employee working together for a specific goal. Lastly, individual goal setting focuses on employee performance qualitatively and/or quantitatively.

Steps in setting performance goal include the following:
- goal setting for the following year
- goals and outcomes review
- recap of past performance
- open discussion and recommendations regarding development area and career direction
- among others.

The results of each performance goals should be written down and recorded. This will allow the individuals in the organization to follow up by working on those functions and activities that need improvement.

Setting performance goals help clear up any misunderstandings about job content that will arise. This is also very helpful in the work area.

Effective implementation of performance goals is a complicated task that involves organizational culture, effective goal setting, leadership, merits for good performance, performance assessment, evaluation and training.

However, setting performance goals will enable each member of the staff to understand  their true value to the company which will increase their ability to add more of their contribution to the success of the organization.

Setting Your Life Goals
If you want to live your life to the fullest potential, start setting life goals.

Buried dreams, forgotten goals, and underdeveloped potentials will be things of the past if you begin to set your life goals.

Goal setting is a powerful process that allows you to have greater control over your future. Goal setting skills can be applied to everything you do.

Setting life goals is like having a map to show you where you want to go and avoid getting lost in the process. With you goals in tact, you can drive straight to your preferred destination without any wasted time or wrong turns.

The process of setting life goals
Start your goal setting with what you want to be, achieve and have in your lifetime. Then work your way through a series of lower level plans up to the things you will have to do on an everyday basis. By making this structure of your plans, you can be able to break the biggest plan you have into a number of smaller daily tasks to reach it.

If it is hard for you to set life goals, books, programs, seminars and trainings and coaches are available to help you achieve your desired plans. But it is normally easy to set life goals. It can be compared to dreaming and basically, putting it into paper. Setting life goals is easy - making them real is the challenging part.

After setting your life goals, make a serious pact to follow it. Keep the process going with the same fervor when you started it. You must refer to your life goals periodically so you can modify your short term goals according to your changing priorities and experience, and yet continue on towards your larger plans.

In setting life goals, here's a guideline on how to make effective goals:
- write it down. Putting your ideas into paper will help you remember them. These ideas are helpful in reaching your goals.
- not too high, not too low. It is important that you set life goals that are realistic because you shouldn't be shooting for the moon. Just as important is not to set them too low. Set goals that will not make you lazy but motivate you.
- be positive. Express your goals in a positive statement. Even with this small detail help yourself to think positively about the future.
- be specific. Set a precise plan, including dates, times, and amounts so that you will know everything needed to achieve the goal and take pride from having achieved it.
- prioritize. Give each of your objectives priority. You will have many goals to achieve but prioritizing will help you from feeling overwhelmed by the things you must do in a period of time.

In the process of following your life goals, create a support system. This is a critical step. You will need to support yourself to keep your focus on your goals. If you fail to get support, it may probably be the single reason why goals fail.

Final pointers on setting life goals

Make sure to select goals that are really of great importance to you; those that are in agreement to your values; and give them a plan and a support system to make them reality. You must be the one to decide what to pursue and what direction you want to aim in life.

Goal setting techniques are commonly used by people who want to achieve success in their chosen world, may it be in trade and commerce, sports, entertainment, and so on. If you want to be a success story in yours, start setting life goals now.

Setting Your Personal Goals and Getting Them

So you dream of owning an SUV in five years and want to make sure you get it within your set time? Then you've come to the right place. This article will help you start realizing your personal goals and set them in an achievable and realistic way.

Frankly, there is no clear-cut method to effective personal goal setting. It is all up to you if you want to reach your goals badly enough to be consistent to your plan and to make little sacrifices.

To help you start, here are some tips for personal goal setting that works.
1. Know what you want
If you have identified what you want to achieve in the short or long term, it will be easier for you to plan your next moves and work out a strategy. For example, don't just say "I want to learn to play a musical instrument". If you're more inclined to the piano, set your personal goal to "I want to learn to play the piano". This way, you can map out which piano school you want to go to and under what budget.
2. Write your goals down
Personal goal setting is more effective if you have a constant and conspicuous reminder of your plans. Place your list where you pass by all the time. Stick it to your bathroom mirror so you'll have a daily morning boost. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, your personal goals might get thrown into oblivion if you just keep mental notes.
3. Your personal goals must be realistic.
Work within your means. There is nothing more dishearting than failing at a personal goal. Set goals you know you have the capacity to reach and don't overwork yourself. If you're currently earning $2000 a month, don't aspire to own a five bedroom Manhattan flat in one year unless you intend to get yourself in the hospital for working and stressing yourself out too much to meet payments. In this instance, set your personal goal lower or allot a much longer time frame.
4. Learn to prioritize.
Personal goal setting that works involves identifying which are more important or urgent than others. Sit down and study which among the items on your list are needed in the short term, say one, three or five years, and which may be postponed for a longer period. Separate wants from needs. This will help you become too overwhelmed with plans and ideas. Keep sane and do things one at a time.
Setting personal goals is not really difficult once you have given yourself the time to think about what you want out of life. The guidelines above work best if you have enough drive to see your dreams through to the very end. Remember, personal goal setting is useless without the person -- and that is you.

Smart Goal Setting

Goal setting is an essential factor towards living your life yielding strong rewards in all aspects of your life.

Smart goal setting allows you to have a choice where and how far you want to go in life. It is by knowing exactly where to put your focus on and give those areas improvement. It also gives you the guide of which part of your life is merely a distraction to your long range plans. It concentrates your accumulated knowledge and helps you organize your available resources.

Benefits of smart goal setting
By smart goal setting you will be able to:
- achieve, sometimes even more than your initial goal
- improve the quality of your performance
- increase your self-motivation to achieve
- increase your satisfaction in the work you have done
- improve your self-confidence and self-esteem
- plan to eliminate attitudes that causes distractions (e.g. the ones that hold you back causing unhappiness)

How to start smart goal setting?

The first step in setting your goals is to put into careful consideration what you want to achieve in your entire lifetime. Your lifetime goals will give all of your actions and decisions in the right direction. It shapes all other aspects your every decision making.

Since this is about your lifetime goals, you may well be looking at a broad horizon. Here are some important areas in your life that needs consideration:
- career and finances
- education
- family
- art and sports
- physical and attitude
- entertainment and pleasure (travel, etc.)
- social and public service

After carefully choosing what you want to achieve in every category, make a priority list that will number these categories from 1 to 7. You may even add more aspects into the list if needed. Remember that this is your smart goal setting list, it should fit your needs - not your parents, peers, family or people around you. It is for you - not anyone else's.

Check to see if all is in place. A careful review is important - this will ensure that all is in place the way you want them to be. Review your plans every now and then to make sure this is what you really want and that you are doing everything right. If modifications and reworking are necessary, then by all means do so.

From hereon, base your every decision on your goals. You can make a daily list of things you are going to do that will help you reach your goals. Simple things like reading a book and gathering of information on what you want to do in the future will help you get started and maintain this throughout the entire process.

The right attitude for smart goal settings

One important thing in smart goal setting is self-discipline. This will help you carry through your dreams and vision in life despite the problems and hassles that may arise. If self-discipline is present, goal setting is also relatively easy because your positive attitude towards your effective guidelines will help you rather than hold you back.

Researches and surveys have shown that people who set their goals in life effectively suffer less from stress and have fewer tendencies to have anxiety attacks. They also learn to concentrate and performance better. Finally, they show more self-confidence and are more at peace with themselves making them happier and satisfied people.

Be one of them now, start your smart goat setting plan today.

Steps in Goal Setting

Goals are the end towards which effort is directed. We all have goals in our life. But have we ever actually written down our goals?

Researchers found that 90% of us never set goals. Of the 10% who actually do, only 3% have actually written them down. The latter 3% group, believe it or don't, consists of some of the most successful people in all fields of endeavor.

What Goal Setting Require of Us
1. Have a Main Goal
Have a clear perspective of what you want, what you want to be, and what you want to do.
Have a main goal that you want to reach in the near future. Doing this would make you look forward to something in your everyday life.
Don’t ever write down “I want to be successful.” This is not a valid goal. Goals should be definite and clear. For example, “by next year I would be able to buy a Toyota Altis…” Goals should be specific.  
2. Construct Short-term Goals
You now have a main goal. You have a definite target.
The next step to goal setting is to divide the main goal into smaller goals so you can spread it out into a timeline. By having short-term goals you are actually avoiding yourself to a loss of interest. You are eagerly awaiting for every completion of the goals that you have written down.
It would also be easier for you to keep track of your goals. You would be able to monitor your pace and take notice of your progress. This practice would motivate you more in reaching for your goals.
3. Have a Timeline
By identifying the short-term goals required to reach the main goal, you are actually constructing a more manageable goal setting timeline.
This step to goal setting would give you a sense of control. It would monitoring your progress. A goal that is reached way before the deadline is a sure boost to self confidence.
4. Write Down the Benefits
Always write down what benefits you expect to obtain upon reaching your goals. Without these benefits, you would be clueless as to why you are trying to reach for something.
Confusion on what prize you would get in the end would mar your confidence and diminish your motivation.
5. Make it Visible
You have written down your main goal, the short-term goals, constructed a timeline and the benefits. Its now time to post it.
It must be visible to you any time of the day. It shall serve as a constant reminder that you have set a goal.
Post visual images of your goals within view or in prominent locations to make your goal setting strategy work at its best. Like in bathroom mirrors, pillow casings, the refrigerator, working area, even your car and your brief case.
6. Act on Each Goals
The next important step to goal setting is action. Each positive step you take is just another step up to the ladder.
Don’t be too harsh on yourself over miscues or minor failures. These are just part of reaching your goals. You won't get lost as long as you have clearly defined your priorities.
Common obstacles or distractions you are likely to face are lack of resources, small failures, competition, poor time management, etc.
The main problem, however, that you have to face is procrastination. Since every goal is stretched into a timeline, no action would result by lagging behind in a schedule. After sometime, you will experience loss of interest and evenually stop midway from reaching your goals.
7. Track Your Progress
The most overlooked step in goal setting is tracking progress. It feels so tiring to some people to make updates or keep tabs of their actions.
Be sure to keep in check your motivation level. After every goal that you have reached, reward yourself. You can adopt other system or style if your motivation level goes down.

There are a lot of youngsters who cannot get into a job as they are not old enough for that but they wish to earn their own money. For them here are a few questions which they need to reply to themselves.
1. Are you determined enough to earn money with your own labor?
2. Do you wish to b your own boss when you earn money?

If the answer to the above questions is in affirmation then you have the quality to be an entrepreneur who can definitely succeed. To start a business you need to have an idea for it and the zeal to earn money on your own. Along with this, your goal must be to be the boss. These are seeds for the tree that make you a successful entrepreneur.

Here are a few ideas that can guide you to be teen entrepreneur. It is one of the toughest attempts that one can go ahead with to try the entrepreneurship. One ought to think carefully. You have to determine yourself on what sort of an entrepreneurship you can handle with success. Also, what you like to do and what all catches, your attention the most.  Which is the field you have most knowledge about? The answers to these questions will lead you to the ideas of your business. Along with this you also ought to commit yourself to business to make it a success.

Ideas for teen entrepreneurship

It is not always true that a teen cannot get the ideas for a business. To get an idea for the business you only need to think ingeniously and productively. Along with this search for the best solutions to the problems in the present time and keep and keep an eye n the changing trends. You can also ask people in the family and amongst your friends or search in books or ask your mentors for the ideas. Try your best to find out all the pros and cons of the business that you wish to take up. The basic thing that is to be clearly understood is that business is exchange. Also, you need to understand the law of demand and supply. This law goes along at every level.

What is the next step after the idea?

When you get the idea think that whether it is practical or not? This must be such which people notice. Some or the other kind of need must be satisfied to make the idea work. You must determine whether you can bring the idea to floor or not? If the demand is not there it can be created. Arrange for the finance, which is the most important thing. Before you finalize on starting the business you must get the solutions to all the things discussed here.

A couple of the ideas for teen entrepreneurs:
1. Make decorative candles, which are useful as well as items for decorations. The material is cheap and easily available.
2. You can provide the service like taking the pets out or buying the groceries or washing car

Tips on Goal Setting

Setting Goal is like painting the tracks towards your desired destination. Without goals, you will get lost in the jungle of life. Although you may reach your destination, the means of reaching it might not be within the standard of your morals.

In order to reach your goals guilt free and swiftly, consider the following tips when setting goals.
1. Remember that every person has goals
Similar to the dissemination of information in a company, you may need to have some form of communication to relate your goals to those people who are directly affected by these goals that you have set.
Remember that everyone have goals of their own. So it is important that those closest to you be informed of any goal which you perceive can have a direct effect on them.
2. Start from top to bottom
When setting a goal, start from the top to bottom and not the other way around. Remember to have a foresight, to know what you really want in life.
Start from there, then work your way down. Start from the most important aspect to the least important aspect of your life.
3. Define areas of division
To avoid getting too overwhelmed with the goals that you have set, learn to divide the areas of interest.
From there, identify and set important goals. Again, implement this rule of thumb, "set from top to bottom."
By defining areas of importance, you may open your eyes to new possibilities that you have never seen before. You would realize that these areas are intertwined and setting goals in one area would have an effect to the other areas or would entail sacrifices from you.   
6. Set benchmarks for your goals
Before you could even measure your goals, you have to first set reasonable benchmarks.
You would use these benchmarks to measure whether you have achieved your goals or not. These benchmarks can usually be expressed in quantitative terms.
7. Know when to stop
What are the signs that your goal is going on the wrong track? When it is time to bid goodbye to a goal and walk away? Consider the following:
- You are losing money than you have to
You tried gauging the monetary equivalent of a goal. You found out that you are spending way too much just to get the target. What should you do? Walk away and set more attainable goals.

You can go back to this expensive goal if, and only if, you've re-mapped your goal plan, studied every pros and cons for pursuing it, and raising enough money  to actually attain in.
- You have spent too much time and effort to reach it
If your goal has been taking all your time, away from yourself and loved ones, walk away from it. You have other important goals to attend to.
- More and more of your loved ones are begging you to let it go
If you're a family man and your wife and kids are begging you to let go of your goal, learn to halt. Don't think that halting is like giving up. You have just learnt to know of your priorities.
You can start pursuing for your goals again after you've studied and learnt to manage your time and resources.

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