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How to Set Up and Teach Art Classes from Your Home

Are you an artist looking to make extra money? Have you considered opening your home studio to others and teaching others how to do art? Running art classes right in your home means you don’t have to spend money on renting space. If you have the right space for doing something like this, then you can offer a more affordable art class for people. You’ll also be able to keep more of the profits for yourself rather than having to pay someone else to use their space.

There are some things you’ll want to take into consideration about your classes, though, in order to set up the best space possible for teaching art. Here are some tips for how to set up and teach art classes from your home.

Studio Space
You don’t need to have a formal studio to teach art from your home. However, you do want to have an appropriate space that is appealing, creative, and devoid of mess and clutter, while also creatively displaying your own work. After all, you’re selling yourself to people as an expert capable of teaching others art. Showing people what you’re capable of will make future classes more appealing to them.

You need to put your best foot forward. That means your space should be neat with no visible “life” clutter. Think creative and fun, not cluttered and messy.

What’s Your Art Project

The best art project is one that can be done from start to finish in one session. Teaching techniques is great, but people are going to want something they can bring home and show off. You don’t need to teach people all techniques of art; you can teach them what they need to know to complete a project.

Have you seen those paint and wine classes that are popping up all over the place? They’re very popular because a bunch of people with varying degrees of ability in art can get together, paint something, and everyone goes home with their project. They spend a few hours together and leave with their own personal work of art. The key is to pick a project where you can easily give step-by-step or stroke-by-stroke instructions and everyone can replicate it in some way.

Keep the materials inexpensive. No one should have to pay anything additional when they come if they are paying for the class. You will need to provide everything, so make sure that you can supply all of the materials needed. You should be able to make a profit off what you’re charging per person for the class.


This goes without saying. People aren’t going to know that you’re offering a class if you don’t tell them. Send out flyers or post a Facebook Event. Be sure you’re clear about the project you’ll be doing with them and what the cost will be, and if you’re offering anything else to people.

Also, be sure to let them know the level of expertise the class is for. If you are showing people a more advanced task that a beginner is going to struggle with, then the beginner artist is likely not going to enjoy your class and won’t recommend you to anyone. Word of mouth is going to be very important in this type of venture, so you need to be very clear about what you’re offering.

Your First Class

Once you have people interested who are showing up for your class, be sure you’re prepared. Spend some time going over the steps for the project. Ask a friend to do it with you so you can see where people might struggle with your instructions and how to adjust things.

You should be confident and prepared going into your classes. Make sure you start at the scheduled time, you have all of the materials set up and ready to go, and you are confident in how to explain the process. Before the end of the class, ask people to take a little survey so you know what to improve for your next class.

Remember, this is a home art class. You can make it fun and creative in many different ways. Have some homemade cookies and coffee or tea for people for that added homey feel. You can really make this an enjoyable educational experience for people by paying attention to detail.

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