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How to Create A Coaching Website

If you want to sell your services as a business coach, you need to have a website.  Part of running a profitable business is having a website and internet marketing.  You teach your clients the importance of the internet, so make sure you use it yourself.

If you have never created a website before, you may be a bit nervous about the entire process.  After all, you want to get it right and the first time.  You have two main options.  These are to hire a web designer or do the work yourself.  If unfamiliar with HTML, do not fret.  Opt for a web hosting package that includes a site building tool.

Before you get started, you must know some important things.  A website should be professional and easy to navigate.  You run a professional business, so your website should have the same look and feel.  As for navigation, fewer pages are better.  No one wants to visit 10 different pages on your website before finally finding your contact information.  Chances are, they will give up after the 5th and turn to a competing business coach.

As for what you need to get started, you need a web hosting package, good domain name, pictures, and content.  Continue reading on for a further explanation of each.

Web hosting.  Choose an affordable package.  Most hosting companies offer discounts if you pay for a year or two or advance.  Do this.  Remember, if you don’t know HTML, opt for a package that includes a website building tool.  You should gain access to hundreds of templates, colors, pictures, and fonts.

Domain name.  Your domain name is important.  Most clients will find you with a standard internet search, but some may key in your website address directly.  Make sure it is easy to spell and short.  You can use your name, your business name, or a phrase related to business coaching or help.

Pictures.  All business owners should have a picture of themselves on their website.  This is important for you because you will be working one-on-one with clients.  A picture speaks a thousands works.  Make sure it is a professional picture, but that you also look like a real person.  Always smile.  This picture needs to show your clients that they can entrust you with their business and feel comfortable working side-by-side with you.

Website content.  You should divide your content into different sections and pages. 

Start with the main page, also known as the home page.  When internet users type in your address at, this is the first page they will see, so make it good.  Your picture should be somewhere on the page, like in the upper right-hand corner.  Welcome visitors to your page and then start with a catchy tag line.

“Have you turned your dream of running a business into a reality, but does that reality feel like a nightmare?  Let me help you improve your profits and get your dream back on the right track.”  This phrase is best if catering to small to medium sized business owners.

Underneath your tag line, use bullet points to highlight how you can help.  This can include team-building exercises, time management exercises, business communication exercises, sharing marketing tips and more.  Make each of these clickable links leading to a new page.

At the new page, focus more on the service offered.  For example, communication building exercises.  Stress the importance of etiquette, listening to clients, and summarize methods of communication.  Then, state the consequences for not having good communication skills.  For example, a customer who doesn’t feel like they are being heard, is likely to take their business elsewhere.

Then, highlight a few examples on how you can help management and employees improve communication in the workplace.  Don’t give away too much information.  For example, state that you can have employees write sample letters to each other and clients.  You can dissect them and give suggested improvements.

At the bottom of each page, you must include your contact information.  This includes your name and business name, business address, phone number, and email address.  Remember, you want to make this easy for potential clients to find.  Put it at the bottom of each page.  Also, have a separate page that you can list on your menu bar labeled “Contact Us.”  Nothing will appear on this page, but your picture and contact information.

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