The process of credit repair can be the key to recovering from unexpected financial distress. Only by gaining a complete understanding of the fundamentals of credit repair, will you be prepared to navigate what can be a confusing landscape. By applying the advice contained in this article, you will be off to a very good start.
If you find anything on your credit report that you think is not correct you need to take the necessary steps to dispute the information. It would be a big mistake to leave it alone because the problem is not going to solve itself and it is something that reflects badly on you.
"Laddering" is a term used frequently when it comes to repairing ones credit. Basically, one should pay as much as possible to the creditor with the highest interest rate and do so on time. All other bills from other creditors should be paid on time, but only given the minimum balance due. Once the bill with the highest interest rate is paid off, work on the next bill with the second highest interest rate and so on and so forth. The goal is to pay off what one owes, but also to reduce the amount of interest one is paying. Laddering credit card bills is the ideal step to overcoming debt.
When trying to improve your credit, you should ask your credit card companies to decrease your credit card limits. This will not only prevent you from overspending beyond your means, but it will also demonstrate to your credit card companies and other lenders that you are a responsible borrower. This will likely lead to an increase in your credit rating.
The costs of bad credit are enormous, but even the worst credit record can be turned around with some time and a serious focus on good credit behavior. Bad credit makes it harder to qualify for home loans, credit cards and car loans. When you do qualify, then you pay substantially more in interest payments and premiums than someone with good credit. Sticking your head in the sand is not a solution. The only way back is to dig yourself out of your self-imposed hole with a strong commitment to change. Your first step is to get a copy of your credit report and understand the status of your accounts. If your accounts show inaccurate information then dispute it. If it is correct, then get to work on turning it around.
For the best credit score possible, you should apply for multiple cards and make sure you do not use more than 20% of the available balance on each card. Pay off all your cards before applying for a new one. By not going over 20%, you are not damaging your credit and not raising the interest rate.
When starting to repair your credit, become informed as to rights, laws, and regulations that affect your credit. These guidelines change frequently, so you need to make sure that you stay current, so that you do not get taken for a ride and to prevent further harm to your credit. The best resource to looks at would be the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Credit bureaus have 30 days to investigate and respond to the claim that you made in your letter disputing their report. So, make a note of when you mailed the letter. Follow up on the 31st day after the date that they should have received your letter to ensure something is happening. Give them a call and find out what file number or account number they may have set up for the dispute, and continue to check with them weekly to find out what action is being taken. Use the reminder function on your phone or computer's calendar.
If you check your credit report and see an error on it, contact the creditor immediately. They have 28 days to respond to you and correct the matter or give you a reason why they do not think that it is a mistake. It will save your credit score if you take the time to look into this carefully and fight the errors that you find.
The concept of credit repair is something that is not always thoroughly understood. However, successful credit repair can be a godsend to anyone who has suffered financial setbacks along the way. Using the advice and tips contained in this article, is a great way to set yourself on the path to a more stable financial future.