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Keeping Your Electronic Info Safe When Out in Public

Wi-Fi is very convenient, whether you’re at home or out and about. Wherever we are, we can stay connected wirelessly. No matter how convenient and advantageous this privilege is to us, we must know how to stay secure - especially when we’re out and about. Scammers are lurking, waiting to gain control of your information. With this in mind, we all need to know how to stay secure online when we’re not at home. Listed below are tips on how you can accomplish this.

1. Look at the URL. When visiting websites that require you to fill out your information, you need to ensure that the website is secure. When looking at the URL, look for “https” at the beginning. That simple “s” means that the website uses a decoder that scrambles your information, keeping it away from scammers. However, if you see “http”, get off the website. Your information may not be secure, making it open for scammers to take.

2. Manually select Wi-Fi networks. Don’t set up your phone, laptop, or tablet to automatically connect to Wi-Fi. Whenever you are not at home, it’s best if you select which Wi-Fi networks you want to connect to. You should also turn off sharing and Wi-Fi capabilities when the wireless is not in use. By leaving it open, you are opening a door to people exploiting your information.

3. Log out of accounts when not in use. Staying signed into personal accounts when using public Wi-Fi can leave yourself exposed to scammers getting hold of your information. Always remember to sign out to protect yourself and your information.

4. Turn off Wi-Fi when not in use. If you want to guarantee your security when you’re out and about, you can simply just turn off the Wi-Fi. Just remember, the longer you’re on the network, the longer people have to notice you and gain control of your information.

5. Check the authenticity. Whenever connecting to public Wi-Fi spots, you should always ask the owner for the correct password and network name. Be careful if there is no WPA or WPA2 password. This will mean that the connection is not encrypted. You will need to pay close attention to potentially deceiving hotspots that look closely like the real name.

6. Avoid accessing personal information. Public Wi-Fi is never guaranteed to be secure. You should never assume that it is, so never go on to websites for your bank, credit card, or student loans. Scammers know how to use Wi-Fi as their weapon to help themselves to your private information. Always be careful and wait until you get home where the secure Wi-Fi is to go on to those websites.

As times progress and there are more ways to gain control of private information, we need to protect ourselves in any way possible. One of the best ways to do this is just by being careful and secure when on public Wi-Fi. People are lurking and are ready to gain control of who you are. Always be careful and trust your instincts. If something does not seem secure, pay attention to what you’re feeling. Chances are your instincts are right.

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